Yesterday was one tough day! For what I thought was one tough week...but after driving back from Camarillo last night (I was feeling like a weight had been lifted)...but after talking with the kids...Kaden broke down. There is nothing harder for me than hearing my child cry and suffer in pain and not be able to heal that pain. Kaden was worried. I asked about what...and he revealed..."I just want to make sure Papa is ok". Then he proceded to look at his pictures of Papa that he took on his DS. His sweet little lip began to quiver and tears ran down his face. We got home and he ran upstairs and locked himself in his bathroom. Luckily, Matty was able to comfort him somewhat and they both fell asleep. So below I am posting my Eulogy/Memory speech I did yesterday at the service. Maybe one day Kaden and Cassidy will be able to read it and remember what a special bond Papa had with him as well!
"Hi my name is Katie Epstein and I am Chick's daughter in law…Matty's wife. We've had a lot of shared memories and fun times as a family. Family was special to Chick as you've heard…but my perspective is a bit different…special if you will. I got an insiders view of one very proud grandpa to our son Kaden and daughter Cassidy!
We are lucky to live in Camarillo which happens to be on Chick's way home from many of his favorite golf courses. That being said, with as much golf as he played…the kids and I got to spend a lot of afternoons with Papa Chickie. Many times I would come home from getting the kids at school and we would see his Prius or as the kids called it ….Papa's egg shaped car and we would know we had a visitor. Some days he'd let himself in and be sitting on our couch and others days he would sit outside starring at the plants he helped Matty plant …an documenting on the great Camarillo weather.
He loved spending time with the kids and had a very special bond with Kaden. They were like playmates. Whether it was hitting balls at the range, throwing him passes in the yard or teaching him the basics of baseball…they were buddies. Kaden would hop into the car, climb into his booster seat, and away they would go on a sporting adventure. Kaden and Chick were two peas in a pod…athletic, competitive, happy, content with life.
Chick loved being a grandfather to both kids. He rarely missed a soccer game, baseball game or dance recital. He loved helping me chueffer the kids to their activities when I needed help…and sometimes even when I didn't. He would read books about animals to Cassidy and pretend to eat the food she created in her kitchen… all while assuming his regular position on our couch. Now if only he could have actually figured out how to turn on our tv himself (or even change the channel)…it would have been his perfect afternoon! After many books, pretend sandwiches (which Cassidy would make with NO salt), he would say, "babe now how do you turn this on…" while handing me the remote"! Technology just wasn't his thing! But…food was!
Now Chick loved a good home cooked meal (mostly Mona's great cooking…but occasionally mine) and enjoyed just about anything I would make him…but especially a berry smoothie. Whatever I would make…he'd say…"Babe…This is the GREATEST…"
However, he never wanted to bother me with cooking (especially if Matty was traveling), and he would say…"Come on Babe…I'll take you and the kids to dinner". Never one to fight with authority…I obliged and off we'd go to dinner. The food would come…and then the bill. Chick would reach into his wallet, his fat little fingers would fiddle around a bit with the wallet… and then like magic he would pull some cash out of a "secret stash". I came to realize…and I would giggle to myself knowing that his "secret stash" was from his little bets with many of you out on those golf courses. So it is here today that the kids and I thank YOU for getting your butts whopped! Your 3 and 4 putts and and double bogeys provided us with memories of Chick that I will never forget!
Papa Chickie was special to me. He raised two amazing sons of which I am am very thankful to have in my life.
And especially for how he REALLY treated me like the daughter he never had…and for me…he was the father that I've missed so much for the last 10 years.
So in your words Chick…"You were the GREATEST!"
Dearest Epstein family,
ReplyDeleteMy heart is heavy for you all. Saddened by the news of the passing of Matty's dad.This was the first I heard of it and I was shocked.I will miss seeing him on the soccer sidelines cheering on Kaden and grabbing sweet Kassidy into his waiting arms.
Your eulogy was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thoughts and prayers for you all as you are desperately missing his presence in your lives.