I haven't been to Utah since about the 3rd grade when I was stuck in a smoke filled van with another family, which happened to have 3 boys, all of which thought I had cooties. Well, this trip...was nothing like that.
This time we went with our good friends the Steimle's, for OUR kids first trip to the snow. And what a time it was.
We decided to split it up a bit...boys fly to Salt Lake, girls drive. The main reason for this was so that the boys didn't miss too much school or work. Us girls...being women of leisure...(ha ha) could take our time...sort of. I had to rely on Matty's family to help get Kaden to and from school. Thank you, thank you,thank you, to them!
Now most people would think...driving to Utah with two 3 1/2 year olds...not so much fun. But the little girls were GREAT!!! We filled a laundry basket with LOTS of activities, which kept them busy...and we stopped...ALOT (mostly because the moms wanted to shop).
And...shopping we did...but that is going to have to be another post.
We stopped at a restaurant to eat, and watching Cassidy play with her first snow was SO sweet. So innocent! Priceless!
We got to stop off at Nanette's brothers cute diner/restaurant called Sammy's. We tried the "famous" pie shakes. Could anything be better than throwing a slice of pie, in a blender with some ice cream...YUMMY! Definitely something to try at home...seeing I don't make it to Utah often enough.
Nanette went to pick up the boys at the airport and we got settled in to Quail Hills (near Snowbird and Alta).
After some snow time ( Kaden played for about 2 hours the first time),the boys hit the slopes the Friday to get Rock and Kaden skiing on the hill. Kaden is hooked and looking forward to our next trip to the snow already.
The next day, Cass and Piper got their turn to ski and looked like two little pink snow balls rolling down the Chickadee slope at Snowbird. Boys got round 2 on the slopes. Then home for some relaxation time. It sure was hard to get Kaden and Rock away from that Wii.
The next day, we kind of just chilled at the house, made a big snowman, and then hit a place near Park City that had intertubing. The kids LOVED the tow up the hill and whizzing down the hill on their intertubes. More than the tow, the snowfall at night was a big hit...because they could eat the snow. I had forgotten how awesome snowfall at night looked.
Matty and Myles finally got an ACTUAL ski day in (no teaching little ones)and the moms hit the Nickelcade with the kids. Us moms won the most tickets playing Deal or No Deal...but our reward was letting the kids get to pick out prizes with out so much fuss.
All the boys headed to the airport...and us girls stayed behind to clean up. We told the girls it was a "girls slumber party". I LOVE how gullible 3 year olds are. And then it was off to shop home...I mean drive home.
We made it back whole...and looking forward to A Utah Summer! Thank you Steimle Family for a GREAT family trip!
Fun post Katie! It makes me want to go back! Thanks for a great trip...